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ICSE Paper – 2014
Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
(Class: X) (Two Hours)
Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
This paper is divided into two sections.
Attempt ALL questions from Section A and any FOUR questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Attempt ALL questions.
Question 1. [2x5=10]
a) Which of the following are valid
/* comment */
/* comment
// comment
*/ comment */
b) What is meant by a package? Name any
two Java Application Programming Interface packages.
c) Name the primitive data type in Java
that is:
i) a 64 bit integer and
is used when you need a range of values wider than those provided by int.
ii) a single 16 bit Unicode character whose default value is
d) State one difference between floating
point literals float and double.
e) Find the errors in the given program
segment and re-write the statements correctly to assign values to an integer
int a = new int (5) ;
Question 2. [2x5=10]
a) Operators with higher precedence
are evaluated before operators with relatively lower precedence. Arrange the
operators given below in order of higher precedence to lower precedence.
b) Identify the
statements listed below as assignment, increment, method invocation or object
creation statements.
costPrice = 457.50;
Car hybrid = new Car();
c) Give two
differences between switch statement and if-else statement.
d) What is an
infinite loop? Write an infinite loop statement.
e) What is a constructor? When is it invoked?.
Question 3. [2x10=20]
a) List the
variables from those given below that are composite data types.
static int x;
boolean b;
private char chr;
String str;
b) State the output of the following
program segment.
s1 = “great”; String s2=”minds”;
+ (str1.substring(2).toUpperCase() )));
c) What are the final values stored
in variables x and y below?
a = -6.35;
double b =
x = Math.abs(Math.ceil(a));
double y = Math.rint(Math.max(a,b));
d) Rewrite the following program
segment using the if-else statements.
grade =(mark>=90)? ”A” : (mark>=80) ? “B“ :
“C“ ;
e) Give output of the following
static void main(String args[]) {
a = 5;
a- =(a-- ) – (-- a );
System.out.println(a); }
f) What is the data type returned
by the library functions?
i) compareTo()
ii) equals()
g) State the value of characteristic and mantissa when
the following code is executed.
String s = “4.3756” ;
n = s.indexOf(‘.’);
characteristic = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0,n));
int mantissa =
h) Study the method and answer the
given questions?
public void sampleMethod()
i=0; i<3; i++)
for(int j=0; i<2; j++)
int number = (int)(Math.random()*10 );
} } }
How many times does the loop execute?
What is the range of possible values stored in the
variable number?
i) Consider the following
public class myClass
public static int x=3, y=4;
public int a=2, b=3; }
Name the variables for which each object of the class
will have its own distinct copy.
Name the variables that are common to all objects of
the class.
j) What will be the output when the
following code segments are executed?
i) String s = “1001”;
x = Integer.valueOf(s);
double y =
System.out.println(“x=” +x);
System.out.println(“y=” +y);
ii) System.out.println(“The
King said \”Begin at the begining!\” to me.”);
SECTION B (60 Marks )
Attempt any four questions from this
The answers in this section should consist of
the program in Blue J environment with Java as the base. Each
program should be written using Variable descriptions / Mnemonics Codes such
that the logic of the program is clearly depicted.
Flow-charts and Algorithms are not required.
Q4. Define a class named movieMagic with
the following description: [15]
Instance variables/data members:
int year - to store
the year of release of the movie
String title - to store the title of the movie.
float rating - to
store the popularity rating of the movie.
and maximum=5.0)
Member Methods:
movieMagic() - default
constructor to initialize integer data members
to zero and string data members to “”.
void accept() -
to input and store year, title and rating.
display() - to display the title of a
movie and a message based
on the rating as per the table below:
Message to be displayed
0.0 to 2.0
2.1 to 3.4
3.5 to 4.5
4.6 to 5.0
Write a main method to
create an object of the class and call the above member methods.
Q5. A special two digit number is such
that when the sum of its digits is added to the product of its digits, the
result is equal to the original two-digit number. [15]
Example: Consider number 59
Sum of digits = 5 + 9 = 14
Product of its digits = 5 x 9 = 45
Sum of the sum of digits and product of
digits = 14 + 45 = 59
Write a program to accept a two-digit
number. Add the sum of its digits to the product of its digits. If the value is
equal to the number input, output the message “Special 2-digit number” otherwise;
output the message “Not a Special 2-digit number”.
Q6. Write a program to assign a full path
and file name as given below. Using library functions, extract and output the
file path, file name and file extension separately as shown below: [15]
Input: C:Users\admin\Pictures\flower.jpg
Output Path: C:Users\admin\Pictures\
File Name: flower
Extension: jpg
Q7. Design a class to overload a function area()
as follows: [15]
(i) double area(double a, double b, double
c) with three double arguments and
returns the
area of a scalene triangle using the formula:
area = √
s(s –
a)(s - b)(s - c) where s = (a+b+c) / 2
(ii) double area(int a, int b, int height) with three integer arguments
and returns
the area of a trapezium using the formula:
area = 1/2 * height(a+b)
(iii) double area(double diagonal1,double
diagonal2) with two double arguments
and returns
the area of a rhombus using the formula:
area = 1/2 (diagonal1
* diagonal2)
Q8. Using the switch statement, write a
menu driven program:
To calculate the maturity amount of a bank
The user is given following options:
(i) Term Deposit
(ii) Recurring
For option (i) accept principal (P), rate
of interest(r) and time period in years(n). Calculate and output the maturity
amount (A) receivable using the formula:
A = P[1 + r / 100 ]n.
For option (ii) accept monthly installment
(P), rate of interest(r) and time period in months(n). Calculate and output the
maturity amount (A) receivable using the formula:
A=P * n + P * n(n+1)/2 * r/100 * 1/12
For an incorrect option, an
appropriate error message should be displayed.
Q9. Write a program to accept the year of
graduation from school as an integer value from the user. Using the Binary
search technique on the sorted array of integers given below, output the message
“Record exists” if the value input is located in the array. If not, output the
message “Record does not exist”. [15]
{1982, 1987,
1993, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010}
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